Monday, July 14, 2014


It started on day about 9 years ago.  I had just finished my first triathlon.  The event was fun and exciting.  I was ready for more so I ditched my hybrid and went out an bought my road bike.  The bike I still ride today.  Subsequent to the race and buying the bike, I woke up one day with difficulty using my hands and difficulty walking.  This went on for several weeks.  It reached a pointed where I could not lift my arms overhead.  I even started using a cane.  Driving became difficult because I could no longer turn my head.  Anti-inflammatory medication did not alleviate the condition.  Research suggested that a vegetarian diet and IT WORKED!!!!!!!!  It also led me to creating these beautiful veggies.  This is today:

Health-wise I was now good to go.  I threw away the cane, put on my sneakers, re-invigorated my runnin and began training for a second tri.   
Don't exactly remember how or why but I became obsessed with doing the MS Ride to Provincetown.  It took me awhile to make the commitment because I do hate trying to raise money.   
During my training rides my hands started to become swollen and painful.  Eventually the pain spread to me hips and feet.  We were doing 45 to 75 miles in 90 degree weather.  I remember having to bail on one ride because my hands and feet could just no handle the ride.  I walked down Route 114 feeling bad for myself and guilty for deserting my training partner. 
Ultimately because of the weather, the Ride was cancelled.  The reality was I probably could not have done the Ride anyway.  My condition had significantly deteriorated.  I return to using a cane.  I couldn't open the front door most mornings and couldn't open a jar.  I struggled to get through each work day and came home just to sit on the couch.  Walking up and down the stairs was slow, prodding and took a very long time.  I had to will each foot to move to the next step.
In my mind the stairs in my house looked like this...
I will never forget those feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. 
Now imagine your child is fighting the battle to beat cancer...a much tougher battle than I was fighting.  Talk about a sense of helplessness and most things are out of your control. 
I am doing Reid's Ride because I am physically able to when once I couldn't.  More importantly I am riding to raise money for cancer research to replace helplessness with hope for a future.  Hope begins with research.  Research begins with finances. 
Please donate: 
 What is the end of my story?  I was ultimately diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I took Methotrexate, a liver toxin, for 7 years.  I decided enough was enough and stopped.  Since that time, I have been mostly pain free.  I went back to triathlons and finally picking up heavy objects.
So on Sunday I will complete the 28 mile ride from Lynnfield to Gloucester.  Please donate. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I know I've said it before but I will say it again.  This shirt

makes personal records happen....even when you think it is going to be a bad day.  First, it is 8:00 AM and I haven't gone anywhere.  I am still sitting at home.  Finally I decided to start moving.

My right upper arm has been bothering me to the point where I couldn't lift it.  So I decided ninst4ead of the gym, I would take the bike out for a spin and see how the arm feels on the bike.  I will be riding 26 miles next Sunday for Reid's Ride.  So I pumped up the tires, started out on the road and the chain falls off.

The decision is made for to the gym.  What happens.  I hit 1 200 pound deadlift for 2 reps.  I was trying for 3 but couldn't only raise it half way on the last rep.  I started at 165 for 3 reps and worked my way up.  200 pounds was accidently.  I thought I had put on 195 pounds.  Nope...200 pounds. 

The goal this summer was to hit 200.  Here we are July 12 and I did it.  Moving on to the next goal.

In all aspects of life achievement feels damn good.

Then I had coffee on the balcony overlooking the ocean with Dad and my stepmother Ann.  Another reminder how beautiful the ocean is and spending time with family.  You all know the Peep Man....

and Ann (She's the one on the right)

You would think I would remember to take pictures from the balcony!

Sunday, July 6, 2014


I know I have been MIA but I have been on the road and took some blogging time off.  Just a quick not to ask for your support.  I decided to do Reid's Ride this year despite the fact I have not been on the bike much this year.  At the moment she looks like she could use a little TLC.

GRACE and I thank you in advance for you $1, $2, $5, $10 or more donations.  I set my goal as $200.00 which is low.  I never underestimate how difficult it is for me to raise money.  Whatever I raise I will bike my butt off in support of adolescent cancer research.  Follow the link below.

Grace can't wait!

Here is my motivational speech and the link to donate.

For several years now I have wanted to do Reid's Ride. Reid Sacco was a young man who died of cancer at the young age of 20. He left his family way to soon. Reid's goal was to ride in a bike-a-thon to raise money for cancer research he died. Unfortunately he died before reaching this goal.

I am riding in honor and memory of family and friends who have been touched by cancer. I dedicate this ride to a friend fighting the battle right now. She is in my thoughts every day.

Please donate any amount that you can. Let me know if you are donating to honor or in memory of someone. The ride is 28 miles long. I will dedicate one mile to honor that person. They will be in my thoughts for that mile and I will add their name to my bike for that mile.

Thank you!!! If I post this message a lot, please understand. The bike-a-thon is July 20 which will be here before I know it.