Saturday, April 9, 2016


It looks like I may have gone from this...

to this...

at least temporarily.  I think when I did three days of the squat challenge in one day last January, I hurt my leg but not enough to concern me.  I think my current training regiment exacerbated the condition enough to be debilitating.  What I think I need to do now is rest that leg (there will be an upper body work out going on) but the lower body will only being doing exercises from Kevin Carr and those will be exercises will improve the leg.  I will be moving and walking sometimes with those crutches because I believe you need to move to improve. 

Resting the leg from deadlifting, squatting and pressing means I probably will not have enough time to train to hit my numbers for the SF Barbell Certification.  However, I know me.  I fight so I will never count myself out.  Knock me down but never count me out.  Ever. 

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