Tuesday, March 29, 2016


In moderation...

It is true...that is how I feel.  I don't want to be skinny.  I want to enjoy delicious food.  I don't mind being a bit of overweight.  I am very comfortable with myself.  The first posting below, by Jen Sinkler, talks about different body types and their value.  Love it. 

The second article by Taylor Ryan offers a different perspective I think.  She is talking about working toward goals.  She is saying love who you are at the moment but challenge yourself to be better and more fit.  Set goals.

I love both these articles.  They both have merit.  They both resonated with me.  I am happy in my body type.  It works for me.  However, I have a specific goal.  I am working toward the SFG Barbell Certification.  The less you weight, the easier achieving the goal is.  As my weight goes down, the amount of weight I have to push, pull and lift changes.  Fifteen pounds less would make a difference.  On the other hand, I can just work super hard and do this a higher weight.  We shall see what June brings.

Please check out their postings..

Jen Sinkler talks about women loving their bodies in the face of societies attempts to define beauty and how difficult and ugly that can be. 


The deadlift is rising up. Standing proud. Taking up space. This is a lift for women.

Over and over, I’ve witnessed a dramatic increase in body confidence when women start lifting.

If you lift weights, certain body parts may rearrange themselves. #embraceyourbigness.

Bigness is not about body size—it's a way of being." #embraceyourbigness

INFERIOR JEANS! You cannot handle my giant muscles! I am TOO BIG FOR YOU!”


The second article is,


What is it about?

– It’s about loving yourself enough to want to be better.
– It’s about accepting where you are today, but not where you can be tomorrow.
– It’s about SELF love as opposed to obsessing over the girl next to you on the treadmill. You know the one… she’s thin, doesn’t have a single cellulite dimple and is toned from squatting MAYBE 15 lb dumbbells. Trust me, she’s comparing herself to you and picking out the things she wishes she had.
– It’s about creating your own individual journey with self motivation, goals, and reasons.

I LOVE the look of Serena Williams.  She has the ideal body type in my eyes and she says...
I am a full woman and I’m strong, and I’m powerful, and I’m beautiful at the same time. - Serena Williams 

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