Monday, December 29, 2014


My week 4 total was 1062 swings. 

Week 1 = 1330. Week 2 = 1360 Week 3 = 1244 Week 4 = 1062 for at total of 4996.  Damn...I am only 4 swings short of 5,000.  If only I had known.

W4D1 & D2

It seems I am slowing down at the end of this challenge.
I did W4D1 on Wednesday and completed 250 swings. I also did my regularly scheduled work out.
Christmas was a day off...back at it today.
I did my regularly scheduled workout which included 4 x 10 at 400 pounds and then W4D2 but not all of day two. I did 2H swings with 25 KG. I did 10 x 10 for 100 swings.
I did one round of 6 x 6 with 18 KG pounds and then I felt like toast. So I stopped.
One thing I did today was 18 KG Turkish get up which is a PR for me. It was really difficult. Working my way up.

W4D3 = 270 swings

I did my regularly scheduled work out this morning. I saved the swings for tonight. Before the swings I did overhead carries because I did not get them in this morning.
Thanks for doing this challenge Artemis. Loving it!

W4D4 & D5

I finished Week 4 on Sunday and Monday...couple days late but I did it.
W4D4 - 280 swings
W4D5 - 250 swings.

I also did my regular work out on both days.

I cannot believe how many swings I did in four weeks.  Whenever I wanted to quit, I thought about how important it was to me to complete this challenge.  I wanted to conquer the mental desire to quit. 

Over and out....I did it. 


Saturday, December 27, 2014


My step-mother, Ann, has, for as long as I can remember, created Christmas ornaments for my sister and me and other children.  They are always creative and reflect our interests or milestones in our lives.  Usually, one or two are tear worthy.  It has become a special and wonderful family tradition. 

Check out my 2014 ornament:

The ornament is a reflection of this blog...its name and its mindset but it is much more than that.  If you look closely at the bike you can see the number 303.  That number is still on my bike.  I cannot bring myself to take it off.  It probably looks silly but...

That number has very special meaning.  It was my number for my last triathlon and the tri was in Asbury Park.  It marked the end of my tri career in a place that holds a very special place in my heart.  So...every time I look at this ornament, I will remember that very special moment in my life.

My beautiful bike...Gracie!  She has been with me through it all

SheRox Tri Transition in the early morning

Asbury Park Beach and Sunrise

The Finish Line

You never know though...for my 60th birthday I may treat myself to a last tri at Hever Castle in England.  A girl needs to have goals ya know. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday Swing Challenge - Week 3

Want to check out my Christmas present from my of the best presents ever! I now have two matching 35 pound KG and I have a plan.  Stay tune for more details.

Here are the results of week three...


I did it! I did it! I did it!. I keep thinking I don't have it in me to get it done and then I do. I get it done and still feel really good.
5 rounds at 16KG for 250 swings

W3D3, 4, and 5

I haven't posted for awhile but I have been are the results

W3D3: 270 swings.

W3D4: Not a good day. I've always had callouses but today they were particular painful. I also forget the order of Day 4. Anyway, I didn't complete the entire work out but I got some of it done. Did part of part two for 120 swings. You do what you can do.

W3D5: Pretty much back to normal for 250 swings.
I also have workouts that I normally do during the week. Those went well!

As you can see, Day 2 is missing.  I am reposting what I am post to the Iron Body Studios Group on FB.  Apparently, I did not post Day 2.  I did Day 2 but did not record it. 

Here are my 3 week totals

Week 1 = 1330. Week 2 = 1360 Week 3 = 1244 for at total of 3934.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Holiday Swing Challenge - Week Two

The Holiday Swing challenge continues...because of work commitments it has been a tough week for me but I did get it done, just not the way I wanted to get it done.  In some cases, I was able to increase the weight I used. 

Finished week 2 with a total of 1360 swings.

Week 1 total was 1330.  My two week total is 2690 swings.  This number won't win me any prizes.  However, I do feel a sense of personal satisfaction!

Started W2D1.

 What I realized is that yesterday I did day 1 again and not day 5. So tonight, because I wanted some variety, I did Day 5.

I did two sets of H2H with 16 KG.

I then did three sets of H2H with 16 KG for 5, 10 and 15. Went down to 12 KG for 20
Total of 250 swings.


Monday I did my regularly scheduled work out and took a break from swings.  Tuesday I did nothing but walk.  I needed a break.

This morning I did 290 swings.
2H swings
11 sets at 20 KG
1H swings
3 sets of 20 kg
12 sets of 16 KG


Very long day but I just got them done. 270 swings. Only disappointment is that I did them with 12KG, I felt like I couldn't go any higher tonight., It is all good.


I started the morning with good intentions.  I did the first half in the morning.
10 x 12 with 16 KG.  Felt good but decided to do the second half later in the day.  Well, that didn't work out the way I planned. 

So I made the decision to finish the second half  the following day.  40 pounds (at the Y).  Did 15 rounds before my regularly scheduled work out.  It was a great work out day. 

Total of 300 swings


Just finished up after doing a modification of my regularly scheduled workout.

5 rounds for a total of 250 swings

H2H Swings with a 16KG.  I did two rounds of 5 swings and 10 swings with 20 KG. 

They were tough but we are working on getting stronger and increasing weight so it is a start

The plan for next week is to wear these while I swing...


Monday, December 8, 2014

Holiday Swing Challenge - Week One

As many of you know, I love kettle bells.  I love to swing and I love Turkish Get Ups even more.  So when Iron Body by Artemis promoted a Holiday Swing Challenge I decided to give it a short.  My total number of swings for Week One was 1330...that is a lot of swings for someone who maybe did, at the most 200-300 swings a week.  Two of the five days I did my usual work out before doing the swings.   

My initial plan was to do my workout before doing the swings.  However, I had a challenging work week and only managed two days that included my regular work outs. 

Here is the thing about this challenge.  Not only did I feel like I was building strength but it was an amazing cardio work out. 

I posted what I did in a FB Holiday Swing Challenge Group.  I thought I would share with you my unedited postings.  Maybe next time you might want to accept the challenge. 

Week 1 Day 1
 Did 250 swings with a 16kg bell.
Sweaty mess right now. Challenge for me was doing the routine at 6:00 PM instead of 5 AM. I am very much a morning exercise person. Everything feels heavier at night. Proud that I completed the routine!!!

Week 1 Day 2
The plan was to swing yesterday but worked got in the way. I worked 5:30 AM to 6:30 PM. Just didn't have it in me although around 8:00 I thought...well I picked up the 16kg and did ten 1H swings on each side and decided not tonight. Will pick it up tomorrow.  And I did.
I only have one 16KG bell so I did 2H swings 10x10 for 100. The 16KG felt light so I did the last 3 rounds with the 20KG. That is all I have here at home.
I then did 15 sets of 1H swings with the 16KG for a total of 180.
Total swings yesterday = 20

Today 280

Week 1 Day 3
 270 swings in the book. Again I had to do them at night but I am getting them done. Whoo Hoo! Still prefer the morning but circumstances have been beyond my control this week.

Week 1 Day 4
I only have one 20KG bell so I did 2H swings 10x10 for 100. Felt great!
I then did 14 sets of 1H swings with the 16KG. During the 14th set my form felt like crap so I went down to a 12KG to finish 15 sets. YAAAA
Total swings yesterday = 20

Today 280

Before swinging I did my regularly scheduled workout. This has been a challenging work week for me. It was great having these simple, fairly quick scheduled workouts.

Week 1 Day 5
Total for week one is 1330 swings....Really proud of this accomplishment.

I did Week One; Day Five yesterday. I did not have the opportunity to post yesterday.

Did 250 swings. I used an 18 kg bell and 16 kg depending on my form.

I did a regular workout prior to my swings. Between each set of deadlifts, I did 10 kettlebell swings with 18 KG bell for a total of 50.
See More

Sunday, November 30, 2014


This is the story of Beastmode, it is a gym story and it is a story about me...maybe this blog posting is a little self-serving.  I chose to see it as a story about judging others. 

A few weeks ago I did a Workout for the Cure.  As I was increasing the weight for the cable rows, someone came over to me, started reducing the weight on the cable and announced to the group that you use the minus button to decrease the weight.  He turned to me and said, "You probably want to start at about 11 pounds."  Ahhhhh....I don't think so and increased the weight to 35 pounds.  Behind me two guys said, she is stronger than she looks."  Hell ya...I've been working hard to be strong. 

Next up was a cardio circuit which included a sled push.  I walked over to the sled with over 400 pounds at the same time as a 20-something guy was.  I am all about pushing heavy weight on the sled.  With a smirk on his face as we got to the sled at the same time, the guy said, "oh after you, you can go first."  And I did and I pushed that sucker.  He said, wow, and when he tried to push it he couldn't.  He had to take off weight. 

Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, I decided to check out a new gym facility and a new class.  I thought I had signed up for a spin/strength class.  Turns out it was a "strength" class.  The room had risers with 7 pound weights on them.  Gasp...a strength class?????  I thought about leaving but I had paid for the class so I decided to stick it out and make the best of it. 

We switched from 7 pound weights to a bar.  I grabbed the 20 pound bar thinking this thing is going to be too light (which is was but it was the heaviest).  The instructor said you don't want to be using such a heavy weight.  We will be doing exercises with it for 5 minutes.  Okay....I almost said...chica, I deadlift 200 pounds.  This shouldn't be a problem.  But I had made the decision when the class started to go with the flow and I did.

When you are in the gym, never assume someone isn't strong simply by the way they look and never, ever underestimate what is possible. 

Not that it is exactly the same but it serves as a reminder that, in life, don't judge people by what they wear, by gender, by their sexual orientation or by their race. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Just wanted to share some recent articles that I've enjoyed....hope you enjoy them as well.  Some may be duplicates from my facebook page.

Before I start with the links, I want to ask you to join me in this challenge...try something new for the holiday season.

Holiday Swing Challenge!

Stay sane and in shape through the holidays and join me for my Holiday Swing Challenge!

Subscribe to my Holiday Swing Challenge email list and I will email you, FREE of charge, the 5-day swing plan for the month on Sunday November 30, 2014.

Subscribe HERE →

Think local before you shop this holiday season:





Friday, November 28, 2014

Should You Excercise When You Have Limitations?

First, I am not a doctor.  I am not recommending any form of exercise.  Before you start an exercise program please consult your doctor.  On that note...

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 7-10 years ago.  I don't remember the exact date.  After the diagnosis and after starting Methotrexate, I was able to continue an exercise.  I was always warned about doing low impact exercises and lifting moderate weights...okay light weights. 

I made the decision to continue running because I loved doing triathlons.  My doctor would chastise me at every visit because I continued to run.  He wanted me to exercise but he wanted me to lift light weights and always mentioned doing crunches.

When I started lifting heavy, I continued to feel better to the point where I discontinued my medication.  I have been Methotrexate-free for 3 years.  So far so good.  I am not saying the two are related or that lifting heavy objects is good for everyone with RA or with any autoimmune disease.  What I am saying is that you need to keep moving.  You need to keep your joints active.  I would also say under the supervision of an MD and a knowledgeable trainer, people should test themselves a little.  Everyday health provided some exercise trends that they feel are good for people with RA.  I would also say they could be good for anyone with an autoimmune disease.

When I was first diagnosed with RA, I was traumatized.  Not necessarily about the condition but what effect it would have on my running and general exercise routine.  I searched the internet for articles about those who had succeeded in maintaining and actually excelled as an athlete leaving me discouraged.  There were not many success stories out there.  That doesn't mean they didn't exist.  It meant that no one was talking. 

Here is the story of Britt Johnson, someone diagnosed with RA who is a runner or as described in the athlete!

You have to try, because you don’t know what’s possible.”—Britt Johnson  TWEET

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I wanted to share a Southside Johnny song that spoke of thanksgiving and gratitude but there isn't one or at least one that I could find on Youtube. However, I did find a message in Without Love.

Be grateful for the love and health of your family...

Be grateful for good friends....old and new....

Be grateful for the ability to move everyday. Use it or lose it. As a woman diagnosed with RA, I am grateful everyday that I can move this body.

Be grateful for kettlebells. Just saying....

Be grateful you are employed and can make a living...

Be grateful for the ability to enjoy life...

Be grateful for people who love you for who you are. They just love and understand you.

 Which brings me to without love.

Be grateful to live a life filled with love because without love you're not really you...I am grateful that at age 68 Southside Johnny is still making music and touring.

Be grateful for having known truly wonderful, funny, once-in-a lifetime kind of people.  Hold on to them tight. Keep in touch. You never know when they will be gone...

I was going to write about leaky gut syndrome.  We will leave that for another day.  Just remember as you are eating your Thanksgiving dinner...chew you food really well.

PS:  I am personally grateful for periods and exclamation points. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Visions, Dreams and Motivation

Yes it has been awhile.  I let the blog go...not surprising.  I had this blog post written out but never posted it.  It feels like a good time to try, once again, to revive the blog. 

For some time now, I've thought about becoming a certified personal trainer.  Ok, let's just say it has been quite awhile. 

In typical fashion, I have agonized over the details such as:

Which organization NASM or NETA?
Personal Training or Kettlebells?
Strongfirst or RKC?

I even planned and went on a trip to Chicago with the intension of certifying with NETA (or was it NASM?  I spoke with the people at NASM (or was it NETA?).  Just couldn't bring myself to give them my money.  I really want this to be the right decision.  Inaction does not bring results...the trip was in August and here it is November.

It shouldn't be this difficult, should it?  It is something I love.  I overthink, throw up roadblocks and never act.   Do I do this because of fear of the unknown or fear of failure?

Jill Coleman of (and the Radiance Retreat) talks about not sitting back and waiting but taking action.  You and/or the moment will never be perfect.  She adds that if you allow yourself to imperfect you will take a chance and reach your goals and live out your passions...she didn't say this but I do...even at 57 years old. 

(Check out Jill's won't be disappointed. 

Fast forward several months...I have had more defined plan.  I want to be a certified kettlebell instructor.  I want the challenge of pushing myself.  This is a very tough certification but the achievement is not just about the certification.  It is about the process and the training. 

As a start, I attended the all day workshop at Iron Body Studios with Artemis and Eric...surrounded by strong, older women was motivating. 


I've contacted Ana Tocco at MBSC.  She is Strongfirst and RKC certified.  She is awesome and close enough to be my regular .  I plan to take some sessions at Iron Body Studios. 

Now that it is out there does it get done? I do have this injury that I hope won't be limiting. Updates to follow...

And check out Artemis here...confident, strong and an Iron Maiden.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Moving It. When and How.

First, I am not a doctor.  I am not recommending any form of exercise.  Before you start an exercise program please consult your doctor.  On that note...

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 7-10 years ago.  I don't remember the exact date.  After the diagnosis and after starting Methotrexate, I was able to continue an exercise.  I was always warned about doing low impact exercises and lifting moderate weights...okay light weights. 

I made the decision to continue running because I loved doing triathlons.  My doctor would chastise me at every visit because I continued to run.  He wanted me to exercise but he wanted me to lift light weights and always mentioned doing crunches.

When I started lifting heavy, I continued to feel better to the point where I discontinued my medication.  I have been Methotrexate-free for 3 years.  So far so good.  I am not saying the two are related or that lifting heavy objects is good for everyone with RA or with any autoimmune disease.  What I am saying is that you need to keep moving.  You need to keep your joints active.  I would also say under the supervision of an MD and a knowledgeable trainer, people should test themselves a little.  Everyday health provided some exercise trends that they feel are good for people with RA.  I would also say they could be good for anyone with an autoimmune disease.

When I was first diagnosed with RA, I was traumatized.  Not necessarily about the condition but
what effect it would have on my running and general exercise routine.  I searched the internet for articles about those who had succeeded in maintaining and actually excelled as an athlete leaving me discouraged.  There were not many success stories out there.  That doesn't mean they didn't exist.  It meant that no one was talking. 

Here is the story of Britt Johnson, someone diagnosed with RA who is a runner or as described in the athlete!

Britt Johnson, athlete with RA

You have to try, because you don’t know what’s possible.”—Britt Johnson  TWEET

Friday, August 8, 2014


Well not really.  The title is deceiving.  I much prefer this

to this

Tonight, as I was eating another dinner of tomatoes from the garden I realized how much I love picking my dinner from the garden.  Not only is it fresh and delicious but a garden makes healthy eating much easier when you can go outside and pick tomatoes


and some beautiful broccoli shown with the pickings of the morning

So although I am looking forward to snow and winter and football, I will miss fresh produce. 

And not everyone has space or the desire to garden.  A great alternative is visiting a Farmer's Market or joining a CSA.  I want local farming to grow and thrive...local just tastes better and I know
 where my food originated.  Check out the link for a great article on Farmer's Markets and CSAs.

Great article!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


In the middle of the night I received the results of the first stage of DNA testing...I should probably tell me father the results before sharing here on the blog.

What a coincidence!  Write a blog, get results.  Apparently, there is still more testing to be done!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


My travel to the Isle of Jersey was a magical time. The tour was organized by the Poindexter Descendants Association. What? Wait? Patti are not a Poindexter. Well, maybe I am indirectly or even directly.

 The Poindexters have traced their lineage back to the Jersey. They've traced their descendant who immigrated from Jersey to Virginia. The family name on Jersey is Poingdestre. The thought is that the Poindexters immigrated to Virgina and the Pendexters to the New Hampshire/Maine area. But how will I know definitely. Well, the Poindexter Descendants association has set up family DNA testing...and my family is participating. Actually, it is my father who supplied his DNA for testing. This testing will hopefully determine the family connection to Jersey.

 What was most interesting from my visit is that Poingdestre descendants, link to a family or not, accepted you as one of their own. They wanted to share their family tree and history with you.

  Either way, as you know, I fell in love with Jersey. It is an island filled with activity and history and people who love their home.

The beauty of nature...

The history....

The glass church

One of the original family homes...

As you get older, maybe over 50, you take pleasure in knowing your beginnings.  When the DNA results are in, I will share more details.  I may even share the family tree. 


Monday, July 14, 2014


It started on day about 9 years ago.  I had just finished my first triathlon.  The event was fun and exciting.  I was ready for more so I ditched my hybrid and went out an bought my road bike.  The bike I still ride today.  Subsequent to the race and buying the bike, I woke up one day with difficulty using my hands and difficulty walking.  This went on for several weeks.  It reached a pointed where I could not lift my arms overhead.  I even started using a cane.  Driving became difficult because I could no longer turn my head.  Anti-inflammatory medication did not alleviate the condition.  Research suggested that a vegetarian diet and IT WORKED!!!!!!!!  It also led me to creating these beautiful veggies.  This is today:

Health-wise I was now good to go.  I threw away the cane, put on my sneakers, re-invigorated my runnin and began training for a second tri.   
Don't exactly remember how or why but I became obsessed with doing the MS Ride to Provincetown.  It took me awhile to make the commitment because I do hate trying to raise money.   
During my training rides my hands started to become swollen and painful.  Eventually the pain spread to me hips and feet.  We were doing 45 to 75 miles in 90 degree weather.  I remember having to bail on one ride because my hands and feet could just no handle the ride.  I walked down Route 114 feeling bad for myself and guilty for deserting my training partner. 
Ultimately because of the weather, the Ride was cancelled.  The reality was I probably could not have done the Ride anyway.  My condition had significantly deteriorated.  I return to using a cane.  I couldn't open the front door most mornings and couldn't open a jar.  I struggled to get through each work day and came home just to sit on the couch.  Walking up and down the stairs was slow, prodding and took a very long time.  I had to will each foot to move to the next step.
In my mind the stairs in my house looked like this...
I will never forget those feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. 
Now imagine your child is fighting the battle to beat cancer...a much tougher battle than I was fighting.  Talk about a sense of helplessness and most things are out of your control. 
I am doing Reid's Ride because I am physically able to when once I couldn't.  More importantly I am riding to raise money for cancer research to replace helplessness with hope for a future.  Hope begins with research.  Research begins with finances. 
Please donate: 
 What is the end of my story?  I was ultimately diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.  I took Methotrexate, a liver toxin, for 7 years.  I decided enough was enough and stopped.  Since that time, I have been mostly pain free.  I went back to triathlons and finally picking up heavy objects.
So on Sunday I will complete the 28 mile ride from Lynnfield to Gloucester.  Please donate. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I know I've said it before but I will say it again.  This shirt

makes personal records happen....even when you think it is going to be a bad day.  First, it is 8:00 AM and I haven't gone anywhere.  I am still sitting at home.  Finally I decided to start moving.

My right upper arm has been bothering me to the point where I couldn't lift it.  So I decided ninst4ead of the gym, I would take the bike out for a spin and see how the arm feels on the bike.  I will be riding 26 miles next Sunday for Reid's Ride.  So I pumped up the tires, started out on the road and the chain falls off.

The decision is made for to the gym.  What happens.  I hit 1 200 pound deadlift for 2 reps.  I was trying for 3 but couldn't only raise it half way on the last rep.  I started at 165 for 3 reps and worked my way up.  200 pounds was accidently.  I thought I had put on 195 pounds.  Nope...200 pounds. 

The goal this summer was to hit 200.  Here we are July 12 and I did it.  Moving on to the next goal.

In all aspects of life achievement feels damn good.

Then I had coffee on the balcony overlooking the ocean with Dad and my stepmother Ann.  Another reminder how beautiful the ocean is and spending time with family.  You all know the Peep Man....

and Ann (She's the one on the right)

You would think I would remember to take pictures from the balcony!