Sunday, November 30, 2014


This is the story of Beastmode, it is a gym story and it is a story about me...maybe this blog posting is a little self-serving.  I chose to see it as a story about judging others. 

A few weeks ago I did a Workout for the Cure.  As I was increasing the weight for the cable rows, someone came over to me, started reducing the weight on the cable and announced to the group that you use the minus button to decrease the weight.  He turned to me and said, "You probably want to start at about 11 pounds."  Ahhhhh....I don't think so and increased the weight to 35 pounds.  Behind me two guys said, she is stronger than she looks."  Hell ya...I've been working hard to be strong. 

Next up was a cardio circuit which included a sled push.  I walked over to the sled with over 400 pounds at the same time as a 20-something guy was.  I am all about pushing heavy weight on the sled.  With a smirk on his face as we got to the sled at the same time, the guy said, "oh after you, you can go first."  And I did and I pushed that sucker.  He said, wow, and when he tried to push it he couldn't.  He had to take off weight. 

Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, I decided to check out a new gym facility and a new class.  I thought I had signed up for a spin/strength class.  Turns out it was a "strength" class.  The room had risers with 7 pound weights on them.  Gasp...a strength class?????  I thought about leaving but I had paid for the class so I decided to stick it out and make the best of it. 

We switched from 7 pound weights to a bar.  I grabbed the 20 pound bar thinking this thing is going to be too light (which is was but it was the heaviest).  The instructor said you don't want to be using such a heavy weight.  We will be doing exercises with it for 5 minutes.  Okay....I almost said...chica, I deadlift 200 pounds.  This shouldn't be a problem.  But I had made the decision when the class started to go with the flow and I did.

When you are in the gym, never assume someone isn't strong simply by the way they look and never, ever underestimate what is possible. 

Not that it is exactly the same but it serves as a reminder that, in life, don't judge people by what they wear, by gender, by their sexual orientation or by their race. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Just wanted to share some recent articles that I've enjoyed....hope you enjoy them as well.  Some may be duplicates from my facebook page.

Before I start with the links, I want to ask you to join me in this challenge...try something new for the holiday season.

Holiday Swing Challenge!

Stay sane and in shape through the holidays and join me for my Holiday Swing Challenge!

Subscribe to my Holiday Swing Challenge email list and I will email you, FREE of charge, the 5-day swing plan for the month on Sunday November 30, 2014.

Subscribe HERE →

Think local before you shop this holiday season:





Friday, November 28, 2014

Should You Excercise When You Have Limitations?

First, I am not a doctor.  I am not recommending any form of exercise.  Before you start an exercise program please consult your doctor.  On that note...

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis about 7-10 years ago.  I don't remember the exact date.  After the diagnosis and after starting Methotrexate, I was able to continue an exercise.  I was always warned about doing low impact exercises and lifting moderate weights...okay light weights. 

I made the decision to continue running because I loved doing triathlons.  My doctor would chastise me at every visit because I continued to run.  He wanted me to exercise but he wanted me to lift light weights and always mentioned doing crunches.

When I started lifting heavy, I continued to feel better to the point where I discontinued my medication.  I have been Methotrexate-free for 3 years.  So far so good.  I am not saying the two are related or that lifting heavy objects is good for everyone with RA or with any autoimmune disease.  What I am saying is that you need to keep moving.  You need to keep your joints active.  I would also say under the supervision of an MD and a knowledgeable trainer, people should test themselves a little.  Everyday health provided some exercise trends that they feel are good for people with RA.  I would also say they could be good for anyone with an autoimmune disease.

When I was first diagnosed with RA, I was traumatized.  Not necessarily about the condition but what effect it would have on my running and general exercise routine.  I searched the internet for articles about those who had succeeded in maintaining and actually excelled as an athlete leaving me discouraged.  There were not many success stories out there.  That doesn't mean they didn't exist.  It meant that no one was talking. 

Here is the story of Britt Johnson, someone diagnosed with RA who is a runner or as described in the athlete!

You have to try, because you don’t know what’s possible.”—Britt Johnson  TWEET

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

I wanted to share a Southside Johnny song that spoke of thanksgiving and gratitude but there isn't one or at least one that I could find on Youtube. However, I did find a message in Without Love.

Be grateful for the love and health of your family...

Be grateful for good friends....old and new....

Be grateful for the ability to move everyday. Use it or lose it. As a woman diagnosed with RA, I am grateful everyday that I can move this body.

Be grateful for kettlebells. Just saying....

Be grateful you are employed and can make a living...

Be grateful for the ability to enjoy life...

Be grateful for people who love you for who you are. They just love and understand you.

 Which brings me to without love.

Be grateful to live a life filled with love because without love you're not really you...I am grateful that at age 68 Southside Johnny is still making music and touring.

Be grateful for having known truly wonderful, funny, once-in-a lifetime kind of people.  Hold on to them tight. Keep in touch. You never know when they will be gone...

I was going to write about leaky gut syndrome.  We will leave that for another day.  Just remember as you are eating your Thanksgiving dinner...chew you food really well.

PS:  I am personally grateful for periods and exclamation points. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Visions, Dreams and Motivation

Yes it has been awhile.  I let the blog go...not surprising.  I had this blog post written out but never posted it.  It feels like a good time to try, once again, to revive the blog. 

For some time now, I've thought about becoming a certified personal trainer.  Ok, let's just say it has been quite awhile. 

In typical fashion, I have agonized over the details such as:

Which organization NASM or NETA?
Personal Training or Kettlebells?
Strongfirst or RKC?

I even planned and went on a trip to Chicago with the intension of certifying with NETA (or was it NASM?  I spoke with the people at NASM (or was it NETA?).  Just couldn't bring myself to give them my money.  I really want this to be the right decision.  Inaction does not bring results...the trip was in August and here it is November.

It shouldn't be this difficult, should it?  It is something I love.  I overthink, throw up roadblocks and never act.   Do I do this because of fear of the unknown or fear of failure?

Jill Coleman of (and the Radiance Retreat) talks about not sitting back and waiting but taking action.  You and/or the moment will never be perfect.  She adds that if you allow yourself to imperfect you will take a chance and reach your goals and live out your passions...she didn't say this but I do...even at 57 years old. 

(Check out Jill's won't be disappointed. 

Fast forward several months...I have had more defined plan.  I want to be a certified kettlebell instructor.  I want the challenge of pushing myself.  This is a very tough certification but the achievement is not just about the certification.  It is about the process and the training. 

As a start, I attended the all day workshop at Iron Body Studios with Artemis and Eric...surrounded by strong, older women was motivating. 


I've contacted Ana Tocco at MBSC.  She is Strongfirst and RKC certified.  She is awesome and close enough to be my regular .  I plan to take some sessions at Iron Body Studios. 

Now that it is out there does it get done? I do have this injury that I hope won't be limiting. Updates to follow...

And check out Artemis here...confident, strong and an Iron Maiden.