Sunday, June 5, 2016


Yes...despite my lack of substantial training, I am doing the StrongFirst Barbell Certification next weekend.  Dr. Hartle, Chief SFL, convinced me to attend the weekend.  The plus is I will have the opportunity after the weekend to video the technique, send it to Dr. Hartle and pass.  So it is on. Wish me luck and yes I am crazy!

Dr. Michael Hartle

According the StrongFirst website the requirements are:


Student must complete 1 repetition (conventional or sumo) with a weight that is equivalent to:
Men—2 x bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg, not to exceed 450lbs/205kg
 Women—1.5 x bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg
Bench Press
Student must complete 1 repetition with a weight that is equivalent to:
Men—1 ¼ bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg
Females—3/4 bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg


The following skills are tested for 5 reps with the specified weights:
  • Back Squat
Men—bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg.
Women—3/4 bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg.
  • Deadlift (conventional or sumo)
Men—1.5x bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg.
Women—bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg.
  • Military Press
Men—2/3 bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg.
Women—1/2 bodyweight, rounded up to the nearest 5lbs/2.5kg

Want to check out what happens?  It is only 5 minutes long.


  1. Good luck, I'll be rooting for you!

  2. Thanks Dave. I still have this lingering injury so we shall see what happens. I even tried to quit. It is fun, exciting and interesting being around strong people...both mentally and physically. And what I've found, men and women really know how to support each other in this environment. My motto will be have fun but don't go beyond what you are physically capable at the moment. I don't need any permanent injuries.
