Saturday, March 21, 2015


The week primarily consisted of rehab exercises and what I felt comfortable doing at home.  I have plenty of KBs, dumbbells, a bar, plates, jump rope, ladder, valslides among other such equipment. 

Today, instead of heading down to Iron Body Studios in Needham, I went to the Y.  I had a tough morning getting moving so it was a late start but it turned out to be a good work out.

I spend 35-40 minutes foam rolling, warming up, dynamic warm up and my rehab exercises.  I've decided to spend time focusing on the warm up and the rehab exercises. 

Then onto the bar...

3 Rounds of

     Deadlifts 145, 155 and 165 pounds x 3
     KB Swings at 40 pounds x 10
     Straight leg sit ups with 25 pound plate x 5

3 Rounds of

     Jefferson Deadlifts at 155 pounds x 5
     Single leg deadlifts at 40 pounds x 8
     Body weight squats x 8

3 Rounds of

     Glute Bridges at 215 pounds x 8
     Skate Squats x 6

3 Rounds of

     TRX Rows
     Suitcase Carry at 40 pounds
     Hanging Leg Raise

Here is an example of hanging leg raise.

I am not pushing my deadlifts and after doing the hanging left raises, I decided not to attempt my chin up.  Saving that for tomorrow. 

After a work out like this I feel great for the entire day.  Let's see what tomorrow brings. 

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